The Tarot Night Before Christmas

The Tarot Night Before Christmas


‘Twas the night before Christmas and the elves were all busy

Filling orders for tarot decks had them in a tizzy!


Who wants the Wizard, and who wants the Wildwood,

If they mix up the names, that would not be so good.


Some want Mystereum, and some want the Spiral,

Some want tarot videos that on youtube went viral.


The Gilded, the Golden, the Dragons, the Cats,

The Halloween deck with its ghosts and its bats.


The elves scurry around while Santa just hums,

He knows very well when Christmas Day comes,


They will find their way to stockings near and afar

Fulfilling wishes tarot readers made on a star.


Readers study the cards, and when they are ready,

They’ll give a reading, so sure, and so steady.


But, before the sun sets on Christmas night,

They will all sit down and begin to write


A new list of decks for the cute Easter Bunny

To put in their baskets, so bright and so sunny.


Tarot  card readers will always agree

There are many more decks to please you and me.


A new deck is always within our sight,

So, Merry Christmas to all,

And to all a good night!


The Wisdom of Beyonce and the Timeless Tarot

