Two of Wands: A reality check


I have always been a dreamer. As a young girl I could often be found lying in the grass field that was beyond the orchard in the backyard of my childhood home. I would nestle into the soft, tall grasses and lay on my tummy. Propped on my elbows, listening to the crickets and birds, I turned my day dreams into poems. The spiral bound notebook I carried with me was full of my musings and rhyming prose. When I wasn't in a writing mood, I'd simply lie on my back and watch the clouds go by and wonder ... about my life.

In my own Tarot readings, the Two of Wands presents itself during those times when I am at a place of uncertainty and indecision about something going on my life. The card reminds me that its time to focus and balance my desires with what is possible, stretch my imagination a little further to reach my goals, and be open to the new possibilities that will unfold before me if I just let go.

Two's are about duality and balance. Wands about passion and desire. When the Two of Wands shows up my inner guide is nudging me away from stagnation and toward my dreams. It is telling me it is time to use the power within me to turn my world from one of thoughts, to one of action; have the courage to take the first step toward a new reality. Change my thoughts and change my future.

Day dreaming, goal setting, preparing for the next phase, balancing desires with reality, appreciating your talents enough to take them to the next level, ready for a change, making a change, stepping outside the comfort zone.

What does the Two of Wands bring up for you?


Linda Moore
I am a student of life, a tarot enthusiast and a professional tarot reader. I have been studying and reading tarot since 2010. I am living and traveling on my sailboat, Troubadour. My husband and I left our corporate careers early to live our dream of a simple life on the sea.

Tarot Translation - Week of Sept. 23 - 29


Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter September 19, 2012