Tarot Topics Blog

Christiana Gaudet working on a writing project.

Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!

This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.

Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

The Energetic Care of a New Tarot Deck
Community Blog Christiana Gaudet Community Blog Christiana Gaudet

The Energetic Care of a New Tarot Deck

Tarot decks aren’t alive. They are cardboard and ink. Yet, in the hands of a tarot reader, tarot cards seem to come alive to speak truth, bring healing and give direction. There are many reasons this happens. Part of the reason is that tarot works with sacred archetypes. Beyond that, in the five centuries that tarot has existed, each tarot reader, artist and student has added their energy to the body of tarot. Another reason is the power of creativity, and the intentions of the artists who create each deck. Yet another reason is the energy we use to care for our decks.

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Can a Tarot Practice Become Unhealthy?
Community Blog Christiana Gaudet Community Blog Christiana Gaudet

Can a Tarot Practice Become Unhealthy?

Fear of tarot is a thing, even amongst spiritual people and diviners. Most of that fear is borne of religious prejudice, superstition, or simple misunderstanding.

The truth is that for most people the process of having tarot readings, reading tarot and studying tarot is beneficial in many ways.

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