Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

When Good Things Go Bad

What do we do when something good in our life changes, and it's not for the better?

An arm offers a bouquet of dead flowers.

It's a scenario we’ve all encountered. A once delightful friendship, job, living situation, or relationship can unexpectedly morph from being one of life's greatest joys into one of its most challenging trials.

This can happen for many different reasons. Sometimes, it is something outside our control, like an unexpected tragedy. Sometimes, this shift occurs because we finally step away from our denial and accept the truth we should have seen all along. Those are not the unfortunate situations I want to focus on this week.

I am thinking about situations where something that used to work well stops working for no apparent reason or because of a simple change we can’t undo. This can be problematic and confusing when it happens!

The first step in dealing with such a situation is to avoid catastrophizing it. Sometimes, energies ebb and flow. It is possible that if you are patient, things will naturally fall back into a happy balance.

If that happy balance does not return, you will have to take steps to evaluate your situation and find a response. Here, it is essential to avoid blaming yourself or others. It is also important to understand that some things have an expiry date. We may grieve and regret them, but we can’t change them.

It is usually bittersweet when we finally put closure to that good thing that went bad. But if we can walk away with some good lessons and memories, we can walk away with a bit of gratitude along with the grief.

The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.

The StaarCorner

StaarCon 2024 AfterGlow

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 22, at 7 p.m. ET, when I will share one of my favorite tarot spreads in my lounge, Tea with Your Tarot Fairy Godmother.

StaarCon 5

Something new at StaarCon 5 is our StaarCon Marketplace. Our exhibition hall is adjacent to our lecture halls and is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. all three days of StaarCon.

StaarCon attendees and members of the general public are welcome to shop, readings and healing sessions, and more.

Would you like to be an exhibitor, reader, or healer at the StaarCon Marketplace? Email Christiana for details!

Exhibitors at StaarCon 2023.

Exhibitors at StaarCon 2023.

A woman reading tarot.

Is This Fixable?

When something good goes wrong, we often turn to the cards. We ask questions like “What happened to create this change?” and “Did I make a mistake?

Those are great questions. Yet sometimes, we forget to ask the most important questions: “Where are we now?” and “Is this fixable?”

If we determine a path toward improvement, further questioning of the cards can help us find a strategy.

Only then might we look for a prediction on the outcome.

If we determine that there is no path forward, we can ask the cards to help us find our best and healthiest exit strategy.

Global Tarot Circle Thursday May 9, 7 pm.

The Week in Review

Join us tomorrow evening, Thursday, May 9, at 7 pm ET, for Global Tarot Circle.

This is our monthly live-streamed tarot meetup on YouTube, where we share readings, tarot conversations, and study.

From Around the Web

This wonderful interview with Appalachian witch,  tarot reader, and author Byron Ballard was recently re-air on Public Radio.

Artnet has shared an article about an interesting tarot-inspired gallery art project in Copenhagen.

I love many of the offerings at labyrinthos.co. Here is a post from earlier in the year by Tina Gong. She shares a series of spreads to use when relationships go wrong.

Tarot cards and magical tools on a table.

Making Magic

Some people use magic every day. For example, we might use glamour magic when getting ready for work or protection magic on our commute. These daily rituals help us focus and create the best possible outcomes each day.

There is also the magic we do when something goes wrong. We quickly want to mitigate damage and support the best possible outcomes.

My favorite way to do this is with tarot.

Find which cards represent the current situation. Then, find cards that represent the best possible outcome.

Lay out the cards on a table or altar. One by one, turn face down the cards whose energy you want to mitigate. Turn face up the cards whose energy you want to manifest. With each card, state aloud its purpose in your magic.

I have used this technique with significant success over the years. Try it the next time you need some extra magical support in your life.

Members-only Livestream on Youtube May 16th, 7 pm.

Upcoming Events

Christiana Gaudet with friends at StaarCon 2023.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and in-person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Zoom parties and group instruction are available almost everywhere!

Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Schedule Appointments Online

Schedule online at https://christiana-gaudet.as.me.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 19
May 8, 2024

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Empty Bottles

Sometimes, we long for things that aren't good for us. Sometimes, we need to make space for new things to come in. This week, we discuss how we feel empty inside, what it means, and what to do.

Concept illustration of empty bottles on a windowsill.

A line from one of my favorite Grateful Dead songs poignantly describes romantic relationships in which connection and desire are strong, yet compatibility is weak. “It’s like a practical joke played on us by our maker, empty bottles that can’t be filled.”

I’ve been thinking about those empty bottles. We all know that feeling of longing for something that isn’t what we really want or need. I have started using the term ‘empty bottles’ to describe any deep longing we might have that does not serve us but makes us feel empty inside.

Many people feel empty inside at times. That feeling doesn’t come only from star-crossed love relationships. People who act in destructive and hurtful ways to others often do so because they desperately try to fill that empty space inside them and don’t know how to do it. When dealing with people like that, it is helpful to understand that we can’t fill their empty spaces for them, and it is foolish to try.

Sometimes, it is wise to consciously allow for an empty space in our lives because nature abhors a vacuum. If we are focused and open, the energy we need will rush in to fill that empty space.

It is hard to long for something we cannot have, and it is unsettling to find ourselves longing for something we cannot quite name. If we can be aware of the empty spaces within ourselves, we can find the correct energy to fill them. If we are aware that we are longing for something that doesn’t serve us, we can consciously remove that useless receptacle from our emotional body using affirmations and visualization.

The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.

The StaarCorner

StaarCon 2024 AfterGlow

On May 5 at 5 pm EDT, join María Alviz Hernando in The Sybil’s Tarot Lounge for Court Cards for Dummies.

New lounges and exciting lounge events are being scheduled constantly. The best place to stay up-to-date and join our vibrant community is our Facebook StaarCon Community Group.

If you are not a StaarCon 2024 ticket holder but would like to attend some lounge events, you can buy a ticket for $10 that will give you access to all the lounge events all year! You can also buy a ticket to view the recordings of sessions from the conference.

StaarCon 5

We are excited to welcome new presenters to StaarCon 5. Jennifer Steidley is the creator and author of four self-published card decks, including the CARTA Award-winning Tarot Disassembled, which will be available in Spring 2025 through Red Wheel/Weiser. She is also a symbologist, tarot reader, and teacher.

A certified 2nd-degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, Jennifer has been practicing martial arts for almost a decade.

At StaarCon 5, Jennifer will present Empowering Your Tarot Practice Through the Lens of Martial Arts. We can’t wait to experience this unique session with Jennifer.

StaarCon 5 scheduled presenter Jennifer Steidley.

Tarot cards next to a laptop.

Empty and Full in Tarot

When learning and reading tarot, I believe it is important to feel a card's energy, as well as to know its keywords and traditional associations. For example, some cards are fast, and some cards are slow. Some cards are happy, and some are sad.

Which cards are full, and which cards feel empty?

In the Minor Arcana, the Nines speak to me of fullness. Of course, the Nine of Pentacles and the Nine of Cups are full of something desirable, while the other two Nines are full of difficulty.

The Four of Swords speaks of emptiness to me and often heralds the absence of something or someone.

When you look at your tarot cards, which ones feel empty, and which ones feel full to you?

Beltane Gathering tonight 7pm YouTube Live.

The Week in Review

Join us this evening at 7 pm on YouTube for a gathering in celebration of Beltane. This is the cross-quarter day between the vernal equinox and the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere.

If you are a member of my YouTube channel and missed our livestream last Sunday, don't worry! You can watch the replay and follow along with the valuable exercises.

This Sunday at 4 p.m., our highly anticipated monthly tarot meetup will take place at Panera Bread in Palm City. We can't wait to see you there!

It’s a new month! Make sure you get your TarotScopes on YouTube and TikTok.

From Around the Web

StaarCon presenter Jennifer Steidley is Kickstarting her new tarot deck. The campaign will end at noon today. Please take this opportunity to support The Symdala Tarot.

College newspapers often have interesting articles about tarot. Here from LSU’s student paper is a commentary on collective readings on TikTok.

The Stylist has May 2024 horoscopes for us.

Magic spell bottles.

Magic spell bottles.

Making Magic

Did you know that many people use bottles and jars in magic? You can use small bottles that can be carried or worn or larger bottles that can be buried.

All you need to do is assemble the ingredients for your spell. You might use herbs, flowers, words written on paper, pictures, and stones.

If you are banishing something from your life, assemble your bottle and bury it, or put it in the freezer. If there is something you want to attract to your life, wear the bottle or display it prominently so you can see it every day.

Global Tarot Circle, Thursday, May 9, Livestream on YouTube.

Upcoming Events

Christiana Gaudet in her broadcast studio.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and in-person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Zoom parties and group instruction are available almost everywhere!

Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Schedule Appointments Online

Schedule online at https://christiana-gaudet.as.me.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 18
May 1, 2024

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet


This week, we discuss the importance of being confident in ourselves and the pitfalls of putting confidence where it does not belong.

Concept illustration of jungle animals sitting on a tree branch.

The concept of confidence comes up very often in tarot readings for clients. I imagine it comes up for people doing self-readings as well.

Confidence is important. If we lack personal confidence, we are not likely to be successful. If we can’t muster confidence, we might blame our lack of success on external factors. For example, “I can’t get a job because no one is hiring,” or “There are no people I am interested in dating anywhere in my city.”

While there may be few available opportunities for us, a lack of confidence will cause us to believe that the number of opportunities is and will always be zero.

A lack of self-confidence can lead to negative self-talk. This is a hurtful vicious cycle.

However, when we embrace confidence, our chances of achieving our personal and professional desires significantly improve. Confidence has a magnetic effect, enhancing our appeal.

Sometimes, we put our trust in unreliable people or ideas that offer us comfort. When we do this, we are placing confidence where we should not. Sometimes, we do this because it feels easier to have confidence in others than in ourselves. When we do not have confidence in ourselves, we are likely to trust the wrong things.

We need to ask ourselves why we trust others more than we trust ourselves. Why are we not worthy of our own confidence?

When we understand our value, skills, abilities, and worth, we can be appropriately confident in ourselves and judicious about who and what we trust.

One trick to developing confidence is to ‘fake it ‘til you make it.’ That’s right – pretend you are confident. Act the way you would act if you were confident.

Very quickly, that fake confidence becomes the real deal.

Many people lack confidence because of the ways others have treated them. We must never let others define or dictate what is true for and about us.

The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.

The StaarCorner

StaarCon 2024 AfterGlow

Tomorrow, Thursday, April 25 at 7 pm EDT. Join Frank Kwiatkowski in his lounge for Famous Foursomes: An AfterGlow Gathering to Celebrate the Elements in Pop Culture

At this year’s StaarCon, Frank Kwiatkowski presented a celebration of the elements through various famous foursomes from pop culture. Fire, Water, Air, and Earth came alive as we watched a funny clip from “Sex and the City” and a rocking performance by The Who!

Join us for this fun Afterglow presentation, where attendees will play the “Foursome Elemental Match Game.” You’ll never look at the elements – or your favorite movies and television shows – the same way again!

StaarCon 5

We have three headliners at StaarCon 5, and I am very excited to introduce you to our Saturday headliner, Cardsy B!

Rebecca Szymczak -aka Cardsy B- is an author, intuitive tarot reader, and wellness influencer. Her work has been featured in Nylon, Elle, Bustle, Forbes, and The Zoe Report. She has collaborated with global brands like Gucci, BCBG MaxAzria, and HULU. She writes tarot-scope columns for various magazines and digital platforms and works as the "Wellness Witch in Residence" at NYC's The Algonquin Hotel. She is also the host of the award-winning Hex and the City podcast and author of the acclaimed memoir The Saturn Diaries: A Modern Day Grimoire.

We are excited to meet and learn from Rebecca at StaarCon 5!

StaarCon 5 scheduled headliner Cardsy B.

A woman in meditative silence.

Can You Be Confident in Your Intuition?

Here is a pet peeve of mine. Tarot readers and spiritual teachers love to tell people to trust their intuition. Yet, those teachers never seem to share information on how to recognize intuition or separate the voice of intuition from the voices of fear and desire.

It's a common narrative I encounter. People tell me their intuition led them astray while they tried to practice that trust. But here's my viewpoint: your intuition wasn't wrong. You wrongly perceived an idea or a feeling as intuition. The very definition of intuition is that it will never be wrong.

How can we confidently trust that what we feel is our intuition? I don’t think we always can or should. Yet, we can still be confident in our connection to guidance and in our divining abilities.

I hear many tips from people about recognizing intuition that feel misleading. Some suggestions include always trusting your first thought or that it is always true if an idea comes to you three times or more.

Establishing hard and fast rules about something as amorphous as intuition, psychic development, or spirit communication feels like a mistake to me.

Intuitive work, divination, and mediumship are about being in the flow of energy. That flow stops as soon as we focus on rules and admonitions.

The easiest way to be a confident intuitive or psychic is to accept that you might sometimes be wrong.

This practice starts with using words like “might” and “may” while remaining open to the flow of information that offers clarification.

This keeps us out of our ego, whose attachment to being right can close off our intuition.

When we listen for our internal intuitive voice, we must listen for the quietest whisper. So often, the voices of fear and desire shout. We must quiet those voices to hear our intuition.

Intuition can come in a moment, but it can also come as part of a process. When we give ourselves time to divine, meditate, check in with ourselves, or puzzle something out, we are more likely to find the truth we can trust.

Choosing and Using Tarot Cards April 24th, 7pm YouTube Live.

The Week in Review

Join us on my YouTube channel tonight for a free live-stream webinar about the many types of tarot decks, traditions, and other card-based divination systems. Join us for Choosing and Using Tarot Decks tonight at 7 pm EDT.

Did you catch our class on the Spectrum of a Tarot Card last Thursday? You can watch the replay!

From Around the Web

Here is a tarot spread from Incandescent Tarot for harnessing self-confidence. This spread packs a big punch in just five cards.

Joe Monteleone presented at StaarCon 2023 and 2024. Did you know that his website offers amazing free ebook downloads for tarot study?

Christine Leiser emceed our Bardic Circle at StaarCon 2024. I love her article about Prayer, Meditation, Intention, and Ritual.

A confident woman looking in her mirror.

Making Magic

There are many ways to use magic to increase personal confidence. Here are a few of my favorites.

Use tarot cards! Which tarot cards represent confidence to you? I like the Sun, the Six of Wands, the Hierophant, and the Nine of Pentacles. You can carry tarot images with you to use their energy to boost your confidence.

Use color! Yellow and red are colors that can increase your confidence. Wearing these colors can help. Burning candles of this color can help.

Use stones! Carnelian and citrine are two of the many stones that can help us increase our confidence. Pop one in your pocket or purse to help you be confident throughout the day.

Cards and Conversation Tarot Meetup, Sunday, May 5, in Palm City Florida.

Upcoming Events

Christiana Gaudet outside her office in Niantic, Connecticut, circa 2003.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and in-person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Zoom parties and group instruction are available almost everywhere!

Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Schedule Appointments Online

Schedule online at https://christiana-gaudet.as.me.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 17
April 24, 2024

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

Read More
Christiana Gaudet Christiana Gaudet


When we sleep, we sometimes receive wisdom and connect with spirit. This week, we discuss the magic of our dreams.

Concept illustration of a young woman and her dreams.

Most of us spend a third of our lives sleeping. Many of us remember our dreams. Since the beginning of history, most cultures have found power in our sleeping dreams.

There are many different types of dreams we may have when we sleep. Some dreams are borne of anxiety or of eating before bedtime.

Some dreams transcend the realm of the ordinary, offering a deeper spiritual meaning. In these dreams, we find solutions to our problems, connect with our loved ones in spirit, and even glimpse into the future. These dreams guide us, offering new perspectives and understanding.

In a way, the dreaming we do every time we sleep is a form of divination. When we enter dreamtime, we have a spiritual connection that we do not always have while awake.

Sometimes, when we awaken, we know exactly what our dream tells us. Other times, we must reflect or divine to find the message.

There are many different techniques for dream interpretation. I am wary of dream dictionary books and websites, as they cannot include the personal nuances and unique meanings symbols can hold for each of us. It is best to embark on our own journey of understanding, puzzling out what the symbols in our dreams mean to us, rather than assuming that a symbol means the same thing to everyone.

Many of us have a tenuous relationship with sleep. Yet, when we sleep, we can access knowledge that guides us. Sometimes, that knowledge can calm us and make getting to sleep easier.

When we ponder that knowledge in interpretation, we open ourselves to an even greater connection with our guidance.

The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.

The StaarCorner

StaarCon 2024 AfterGlow

Join me, Christiana Gaudet, in the Tea with Your Tarot Fairy Godmother Lounge this Sunday, April 21, at 2 pm EDT for a Court Card tarot class.

Join Brenda Elizabeth in Lady Lenormand’s Charmed Lounge for a Mediumship Development Circle on Tuesday, April 23rd, at 7:30 PM EDT. All levels are welcome to practice giving and receiving messages from the other side.

On Thursday, April 25, Join Frank Kwiatkowski in the new Frank's Famous Foursomes Fun Room lounge to discuss the four elements and how they appear in popular culture. This is a continuation of Frank’s 2024 StaarCon presentation.

StaarCon 5

We are excited to welcome artist, author, and deck designer Gita Rash back to StaarCon. At StaarCon 5, Gita will offer a two-part intensive called Understanding Your Dreams. Gita’s new book, Dream Your Reality, was published in 2023.

StaarCon 5 tickets are now available with an early bird discount, so get yours now!

Early Bird Limited Time Offer: Use discount code STAARFAN5 to receive $25 off each full-conference ticket!

StaarCon 5 scheduled speaker Gita Rash.

Close-up of a person interpreting tarot cards on their bed.

Interpreting Dreams with Tarot

My approach to dream interpretation begins by drawing a card to see if the dream contains important messages worthy of interpretation. If that card signals a need for interpretation, I begin by recording every detail of the dream.

Dreams are a series of symbols. We want to interpret the symbols. We also want to be aware of how the dreamer reacted to those symbols in the dream and how the dreamer feels about those symbols in life. When I list the dream's details, I also note the dreamer's relationship with those symbols.

Then, I pull a card, or a few cards, for each symbol. Very quickly, a clear interpretation is revealed.

In a way, the written record of the dream becomes a tarot spread to interpret the dream.

Try this technique the next time you need to interpret a dream.

The Spectrum of a Tarot Card Webinar Thursday, April 18, 2024.

The Week in Review

Join us tomorrow, Thursday, for a free live-stream tarot class on YouTube at 7 pm EDT. The Spectrum of a Tarot Card will discuss the ways in which context can influence a tarot interpretation.

From Around the Web

I always enjoy Theresa Reed’s monthly Hit List. This edition about travel is fun and helpful.

Can tarot tell you if your house is haunted? Liz Worth has some great ideas.

The New Age Hipster has created a tarot spread inspired by the movie Practical Magic.

A woman journals before bed.

Making Magic

At StaarCon 5, Gita Rash will teach us how to use our dreams to manifest and receive guidance.

There are many kinds of dreamwork and dream magic.

A very simple technique is setting an intention for your dreams before sleeping.

For instance, if you're grappling with a decision, you can ask for clear guidance in your dreams by focusing on the question before you sleep.

If you are missing a departed loved one, ask for a visit in your dreams.

If you are seeking answers, ask for a revelation in your dreams.

You can write your intention, speak it aloud, or say it in your mind. You can strengthen your intention using lavender incense, oil, or candles.

Do not be discouraged if you do not receive a dream when you try this. Rather, repeat the process each evening until you do.

Beltane Gathering Livestream on YouTube May 1st, 7pm.

Upcoming Events

Christiana Gaudet teaching a tarot class in her Pocono home office, circa 2006.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Zoom parties and group instruction available almost everywhere!

Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

New! Schedule Appointments Online at acuity:scheduling!

Schedule online at https://christiana-gaudet.as.me.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 16
April 17, 2024

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

Christiana Gaudet Your Tarot Fairy Godmother banner.

Read More