Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Couples Readings


Email your questions about tarot to me!

I love teaching tarot. I love sharing tarot with brand new beginners, life-long enthusiasts and professionals. My book, “Fortune Stellar” is designed to help tarot professionals and aspiring professionals, so I was particularly happy to receive a question from Linda, a professional tarot reader.

Linda is about to do her first couples reading, and wanted to know if I had any advice for her.

My basic technique for reading couples will also work for any relationship reading, including boss and employee, sibling, parent and child or best friends.

The thing to remember is that couples readings can deal with some intense issues – remember to recommend couples counseling or marriage therapy if you think it’s needed.

When I read for a couple, I think of it as a reading for three people. There are two partners, and there is the third entity of the couple itself.

I usually start by doing a general spread for each individual. I pay attention to how they show up in each other’s spreads, and how the relationship shows up. I also take the time to give information about things of interest to each individual, questions of career and extended family, for instance.

It is interesting to see if the same cards show up in each partner’s spread. If they do, I will spend some time talking about those cards.

Once I have done a quick spread for each partner I will have a sense of the questions the couple has. We may need to talk about children, the home, money, sex, communication, extended family or other issues.

I will form a question for each issue, and answer each question by pulling a few cards, in dialogue with the tarot.

Then I like to do a relationship spread. I have the couple divide the deck into three piles. One person cuts to the left and the other to the right, leaving a pile in the middle.

The middle card will describe the relationship. Each partner is described by the outside cards.

Watch the video and see how this simple spread can reveal a great deal of information!

Good luck, Linda, and thanks for a great question!

If you have a question about tarot, please email me!

Christiana Answers a Question about Couples Readings

Video of Christiana Answers a Question about Couples Readings

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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Tarot Topics Weekly Newsletter 3/12/2014