My Interpretation of Tarot Translation - Question 2


The Question: My spouse and I seem to be on different energy cycles lately; my energy is up, when his is down and vice versa. It's making both of us irritable. In what ways can we work through these ups and downs together?

The cards: (Note: this is a three card spread, no specific meanings attached to any of the positions. Cards are listed from left to right.)

The Chariot, The Five of Cups (RX), Nine of Pentacles

Chariot - You're going through some ups and downs, and possibly trying too hard to control the situations that may be causing the highs and lows of your energy cycles; take a deep breath and ride the waves until you can geta grip on your concerns, then figure out what's rocking the boat

Five of Cups (Reversed) - Release your emotions and don't worry so much, it's just a phase, try to expose what's beneath the surface of your emotions (empty the cups)

Nine of Pentacles - be creative and release your energies in ways that bring stability back into your lives; then relax and enjoy the pleasures and rewards of your life together

 ** I love Stephanie Pui-Mun Law's interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles, and Barbara Moore's description in Shadowscapes Tarot:

Her spiritual being is in communion with the material aspects of her life. She strives to make that connection musically through such an elaborate and mechanical instrument as a piano. This piano however is no pure man-made one, as it is tuned to the world around it, inextricably entwined into the fabric of nature. She is alone, in solitude and self-sufficiency. The snail shell she sits on and the spirals in the branches of the trees are a physical representation of the Golden Mean ratio, a continuum that approaches the Infinite, approaches balance, approaches the Ideal.

Linda Moore
I am a student of life, a tarot enthusiast and a professional tarot reader. I have been studying and reading tarot since 2010. I am living and traveling on my sailboat, Troubadour. My husband and I left our corporate careers early to live our dream of a simple life on the sea.

Tarot Translations Question 2


Tarot Translation Group Week Two