Tarot Translations Question 2


Question 2:

The Question:

My spouse and I seem to be on different energy cycles lately; my energy is up, when his is down and vice versa. It’s making both of us irritable. In what ways can we work through these ups and downs together?

The Chariot, The Five of Cups (RX), Nine of Pentacles

I feel that at times either one is expecting too much from the other, and wanting to control every situation.  Rather than “go with the flow” and understanding each other’s moods, there is too much lack of understanding, and an expectation of wanting to be on the same plane at all times. There needs to be more communication and acceptance of their differences, or the relationship may not last. Perhaps one is feeling he/she is not needed, or is being too head-strong and independent in the relationship. This spread begs for more cards!


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My Interpretation of Tarot Translation - Question 2