Tarot and Tea Time





Tea and Tarot ©


Pour the tea, but don’t steep too long.

Make it mellow and not very strong.


Add cinnamon and ginger to the cup.

You cannot wait to drink it up!


For when the cup touches your lip,

You  find warm pleasure in every sip.


Then choose a deck that reads you well,

And prepare to read what it will tell.


Ask a question, and make it clear.

The cards will tell what you need to hear.


 Shuffle the deck, and when you’re through,

Lay down some cards—let them speak to you!


Don’t let some cards give you a fright.

They only wish to offer insight.


The cards will tell your story true,

And offer what is best for you.


Messages you should always heed,

Answers you most likely need.


Process  messages  you’ve been sent.

Understand what each one meant.


When the answers you can clearly see,

Pour another cup of tea.


You’ll drink away the stress and strife,

As peace again reigns in your life.


By Joanne Matthew




Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 10/16/2013