Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 10/16/2013



Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

          October 16, 2013      




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Emotion, related to the element of Water and to the heart chakra, is a very important part of our wellbeing. The difficulty is finding emotional balance. Those who don’t acknowledge their emotions don’t experience the fullness of life and can’t be true to themselves. Those who are ruled by their emotions tend to make rash decisions and often feel anxious and depressed.


How do we learn to honor and understand our emotions without being enslaved to them?


There are a least two important considerations. One is expectations. Often our emotions cause us to have expectations that don’t fit with reality. We find emotional balance when we release our expectations and accept what is real and true.


The other consideration is value judgments. We often see things in life as clearly either good or bad. Good things evoke positive emotions, bad things evoke negative emotions.


The more we can appreciate what it is to just be – without making those value judgments – the more balance we will create in our lives.


I said a funny thing to someone recently. I said, “You can’t let your emotions dictate how you feel.” That sounds like a contradiction, but it’s not. We must find a way to understand our emotional responses and balance those responses with logic to guide our feelings and actions.


Spirituality is very helpful in this process. Through faith, study, prayer, ritual, meditation and divination we often find the emotional balance we need.







How Do You Feel and What Do You Do?


Tarot helps us understand our feelings and plan our best responses. You can seek out the guidance of tarot through a great tarot professional, a compassionate friend with a deck of cards or your own beloved tarot deck.


Tarot helps us know ourselves and process our interactions with other people.


One technique I like to use is to simply ask the cards about feelings. It may sound funny, but I get great results when I ask the cards “How do I really feel about this?” or “How does my client really feel about this?” and pull some cards.


You would think we already know how we feel, but a lot of times we don’t. It is easy to be confused, or to feel more than one way at the same time. Tarot is great for sorting all that out!


After I figure out what the feelings really are it’s time to figure out what right action might be. I do that the same way. The question I ask is “What should I (or my client) do about these feelings?” Then I pull a few cards.


This process of discovering feelings and possible actions is a great way to get clarity and make appropriate plans. Try it with your own cards or give me a call for a reading today!





The Week in Review


The Tarot Topics Community Blog welcomes guest bloggers. Just sign up for an account and start sharing!


This week Linda Moore shared another installment of her brilliant “Tarot in My Life” blog. Linda lives fulltime on the sailboat Troubadour. She and her partner travel the Caribbean. Linda reads tarot and teaches yoga for the people she meets along the way. I think you will enjoy her post this week, Four of Swords – Calming Restless Thoughts.


Joanne Matthew shared some great ideas about Surviving Mercury Retrograde.


Joanne also contributed a delightful tarot piece about the Major Arcana visiting a haunted house. Joanne is well-known for her archetypal work with the Major Arcana. Imagining how the Major Arcana characters might act in particular situations is a wonderful exercise of tarot understanding. I’m sure you’ll enjoy Major Arcana Haunted House.


My contribution to the Community Blog this week was another installment of my “Answers to Your Questions about Tarot” video series. This time I answered a question about the Knight of Cups. If you have a question about tarot, please email me!


On my Dark Forest blog I wrote about some spiritual insights regarding the government shutdown. Read As Above, So Below – Even in the Workplace!


My personal blog post this week also deals with current events, and was somewhat inspired by Jim Cummins on the Psychic Café.  I hope you’ll enjoy my post about Uranus.


From Around the Web


After Jordan Hoggard was a guest on Christiana’s Psychic Café he decided to have his own show, Inner State Highways, also on PEN. Guess who he invited to be his first guest? You can watch the premiere episode of Jordan Hoggard’s Inner State Highways featuring an interview with me in archive.


Are you an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)? Do you know a Highly Sensitive Person? You might enjoy these 6 Sweet Survival Tips for Super Sensitive Souls by Victoria Erickson on Rebelle Society.


Finally, here’s another great post from Sherryl E. Smith. Sherryl is one of my favorite tarot historians. Her blog, tarot-heritage.com, is one of my most recommended. This post is about a topic that is close to my heart. Enjoy Setting Up a Tarot Journal.


Do you keep a blog, or have you found a great post on the web that you think I should share?  Email me a link!





Emotions in Tarot


The suit of Cups is related to the element of Water, and is therefore the suit of emotion. In the cards of this suit we see love, romance, sorrow, nostalgia, confusion, satisfaction, abandonment, happiness, grief and petulance.


There are cards from other suits that can describe emotion as well. The Ace of Wands suggests excitement and anticipation. The Four of Wands suggests happiness, while the Five of Wands might describe anger. The Six of Wands certainly shows pride, while the Seven of Wands might describe defensiveness.


The suit of Swords is well known for some of its more disturbing images. The Three of Swords is known as the card of sorrow. The Eight and Nine of Swords can show worry.


A solution to emotional issues comes from the Six of Swords. In this card we see that when we trust logic rather than emotion we can sail forward to smoother waters.


We see emotion in the Pentacles as well.  The Four of Pentacles may feel insecure. The Five of Pentacles feels shut out or abandoned. The Nine of Pentacles feels serene.


Each Minor Arcana suit is ascribed to one of the Four Elements. Water, assigned to Cups, is the element of emotion. Nonetheless, emotions are such an important part of our lives they show up in each suit.


The Major Arcana cards speak of emotion as well, and often directs our emotional responses. The Fool is carefree, the High Priestess finds emotional balance through meditation. Strength teaches compassion. The Hermit can refer to loneliness. The Wheel of Fortune, Justice, Hanged Man and Death all teach us to accept the things we cannot change. Temperance holds the secret to true emotional balance. The Devil and the Tower cause us to acknowledge and release what no longer services us. The Star brings healing. The Sun gives us permission to be ourselves. Judgment gives us closure to what has hurt us.


When we study and read tarot the cards help us acknowledge and understand our feelings. The cards remind us not to be ruled by our feelings. From the cards we learn to find emotional balance.






What’s up at the Psychic Café?


On October 13th my guest at the Psychic Café was astrologer Jim Cummins. It was really interesting to hear how Jim got involved in astrology and built his practice more than forty years ago.


Jim’s perspective on astrology is nothing short of genius. He shared some very clear information about Mercury Retrograde, eclipses, and the Four Pillars of Astrology. His perspective on Pluto and Uranus’ role in the state of our planet was enlightening and informative.


You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics new site.


Coming up this Sunday, October 20th, my guest will be Jesse Ann Nichols George. Perhaps you have seen her videos on YouTube or read one of her books. Jesse Ann is spiritual radio host, intuitive, author and druidic practitioner. One of the subjects she works with extensively is compassion – a topic that is close to my heart. This is sure to be an exciting and interesting webcast, so don’t miss it!


For more information visit the Show Info page and don’t forget to like us on Facebook!




Learning Tarot


The High Priestess


The High Priestess is Card 2 of the Major Arcana. Two is the number of balance and duality. This offers us some clues about the message of the High Priestess.


Originally the High Priestess was known as the “Papess” or the “Popess.” This was a reference to the Thirteenth-Century legend of Pope Joan, the female pope.


We see the High Priestess seated serenely between two pillars. These pillars are named Boaz and Jachim, and represent the pillars outside Solomon’s Temple as well as the outer pillars of the Kabalistic Tree of Life. We see these pillars as indicating mercy and severity. Seated between them, the High Priestess embodies the perfect balance.


The High Priestess is associated with the element of Water. In the Rider-Waite-Smith image we see her blue robe turns in to water and runs off the page in the lower right corner. This water forms a river that flows through much of the Major Arcana.


The watery nature of the High Priestess speaks to her ability to delve into the subconscious mind and unlock its secrets. In many ways the High Priestess is about discovering what is behind, beyond and beneath that which is apparent.


The pomegranates on her backdrop represent her fertility, while their placement represents her virginity. The pomegranate is also known as the fruit of the land of the dead – another realm where the High Priestess can venture.


Key words for the High Priestess include balance, meditation, study, wisdom, secrets, virtue and perfection in womanhood.


Archetypally she is associated with the Virgin Mary, the Maiden of the Triple Goddess and, as mentioned before, Pope Joan.


In a reading the High Priestess can speak of a particular woman, or a person’s view of women. The High priestess can indicate a tendency toward seeking perfection. The High Priestess can advise meditation and instruct us to seek balance and wisdom. A need for serenity is often indicated.


Like the cards before her, the Fool and the Magician, the High Priestess is about learning.

While the Fool learns experientially and the Magician learns through focused study, the High Priestess learns through the study of spiritual texts, meditation and looking inward. She advises us to do the same.


Next week we will discover another aspect of womanhood with Major Arcana 3, the Empress.





Beyond the Veil Psychic Gallery


I am excited to announce I will be doing a special psychic gallery at Pearl Rauberts’ in Loxahatchee on Saturday, October 26th at 2:30.


As we move closer to October 31 the veil that separates the world of the living and the spirit world is at its thinnest. This is the origin of our secular holiday of Halloween. We will use this energy to help us connect with the spirit world and receive their guidance.


In a psychic gallery I am able to tap in to the energy of each person in the room. I offer a personal reading to each person that may include communication from loved ones in spirit and spirit guides as well as practical information about work, love and life.


When we experience this process as a group we are able to support each other and learn from each other’s experiences.


The sacred space provided by Pearl Rauberts is a special environment in which receive healing and guidance. To do a psychic gallery at this special time of year allows us the greatest access to spiritual wisdom possible.


The fee to attend this event is $20. Seats are limited. 

You can find more information on the Event Listing of the Celebrate Spiritual Growth Website.


Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of this special event!




Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your One-Card Reading this week is the King of Swords.


Drawn at random, this card is an interesting juxtaposition in a newsletter about emotion.


The King of Swords can represent an adult man, perhaps one born under an Air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).


The King of Swords can be a leader, either male or female, who is fair-minded, rational, intelligent and honest.


The King of Swords may encourage us to take a leadership position, especially when it comes to speaking the truth, having clear thought and being logical.


The King of Swords is motivated to do the right thing regardless of what his emotions may tell him. This card encourages us to do the same. The King of Swords is honest about what he feels, but acts on what he thinks. Often this is the best course of action.




Upcoming Events


Sunday, October 20, 9 pm

Christiana Psychic Café


My guest will be Jesse Ann Nichols George.


Jesse is the author of four books founded on the principles of compassion. Jesse is an Integrated Development Specialist with over thirty years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes.  She is a spiritual healer, energy tuner, and a holistic and natural lifestyle advisor.  She is also a Druidic practitioner.


Join us for what is sure to be an interesting and enlightening conversation.


For more information visit the Show Info Page.



Saturday, October 26, 2:30

Beyond the Veil Psychic Gallery

Pearl Rauberts, Loxahatchee


Join psychic Christiana Gaudet in Pearl Rauberts’ sacred space in Loxahatchee, FL for an afternoon of insight, spirituality and enlightenment.


The end of October is a very special time when the veil that separates the physical world from the spirit world is at its thinnest. This is the origin of the secular holiday of Halloween.


On Saturday, October 26th Christiana will use this special and sacred energy to offer deeply personal readings to each person in the gallery. Messages from Spirit, opportunities for healing and directives to manifest your best future are only some of what you can expect at this special event.


People who have attended Christiana’s galleries in the past are amazed by her accuracy, her wisdom, compassion and humor. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with Spirit and to hear the guidance that you need most.


For more information visit the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.



Sunday, October 27, 9 pm

Tarot Dactyl on the Psychic Café


Tarot Dactyl (aka Mary Brown) is a Certified Angel Card Reader (TM), Tarot Guild Endorsed Tarot Reader and Co-Host of The Angels Monday Show on BlogTalkRadio.


She is known for her modern, practical approach to spiritual matters. Tune in for some interesting talk about angels, tarot, and spirituality!


For more information, visit the Show Info Page.



Sunday, November 3, 9 pm

Samhain Spectacular on the Psychic Café


Celebrate Halloween on the Psychic Café!


Traditionally known as Samhain, October 31 is the celebration of the final harvest, the Witch’s New Year and the time of the thinning veil. We’ll check in with a panel of spiritual people to get their thoughts, stories and practices for this sacred time of year.


For more information, visit the Show Info Page.



Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Premium Webinar

Personal Tarot – Reading for Yourself


This class is designed for serious tarot students who want to develop their tarot skills. Self-reading is the best way to learn to understand the cards. It is also an important practice for personal and spiritual growth.


Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.


This online presentation will teach you good practices for self reading. You will be able to identify and interpret your specific personal cards. You will be able to use self-reading to enhance your tarot studies. Christiana will help you explore specific techniques for self-reading that will help you derive all the information you need.


For more information and registration visit the event listing on the Tarot Education website.






Tarot by Christiana Gaudet






866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Skype: tarot.radio


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment. 



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Tarot parties and private readings at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call for more information or to schedule your event.



Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Tarot and Tea Time


Trick or Treat