Tarot in My Life: Three of Pentacles - Body, Mind and Spirit


"To become a master at any skill, it takes the total effort of your heart, mind, and soul working together in tandem." - Maurice Young

I didn't realize it, but I needed some Pentacles help and the universe found a way to let me know it.

I've been doing a lot of sewing for my boat. I just finished a project where I bought foam cushions and created covers and matching throw pillows for a settee that is slightly larger than your average love seat. I'm very happy with the results, although I am no expert seamstress. I just followed the instructions on a DVD and magically the project appeared. I look at the settee and can't believe that I created this with my own two hands.

Next up, is a much larger sewing project - a full enclosure for the cockpit - think sun room for a home - with screens to provide shade and keep night creatures out and windows to keep us dry when it rains. Amidst the sewing projects I had been tossing in some time to study my new tarot deck. It had been a week or so from when I last put down my book. Serendipity played its hand when I opened the bookmarked page in Ciro Marchetti's, Gateway to the Divine Tarot, to find the chapter to study next was: Three of Coins. (Coins are also known as Pentacles in many tarot decks and I refer to them as Pentacles in this blog.)

The Pentacles are about physical and material things, and ultimately the successful completion of physical and material matters to the highest standards. Immediately my attention became more deeply focused. I realized that I am exactly where I need to be in my life. The Three of Pentacles on the journey is about the synergistic relationship between body, mind and spirit all working toward the same goal using skills and talents and abilities. It's as if I was being told when I put all these ingredients into place, along with the patience and persistence of a craftsman, this will be a successful project, possibly with recognition and respect; certainly, hopefully, with pride of accomplishment.

Gateway to the Divine Tarot ends each card description with “gifts” and “advice”. Here is what is offered for Three of Coins:

Gifts: Dedication, loving your work

Advice: Work hard and pay attention to the details.

I will be using many resources, watching instructional DVD’s, getting help when needed from professionals and using my own talents and experience. I will have the Three of Pentacles to remind me about patience and persistence, and to create and work out the practical plans, step by step. Wish me well on my Pentacles journey!

My keywords: Partnership, a passion, working toward a common goal, detailed work, work you love doing, projects requiring attention to details, rewarding projects, a master craftsman

“Combine love with wisdom and hard work with play and with a proper nurturing attitude your creativity will pay off and you will reap the harvest.” -Crystal Reflections Tarot

Web Image from Gateway to the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

Linda Moore
I am a student of life, a tarot enthusiast and a professional tarot reader. I have been studying and reading tarot since 2010. I am living and traveling on my sailboat, Troubadour. My husband and I left our corporate careers early to live our dream of a simple life on the sea.

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