Tarot in My Life: Treasures of Tarot is Here!


In her book, Fortune Stellar: What Every Professional Tarot Reader Needs to Know, Jupiter Garden Press, Christiana Gaudet, describes the elements needed to develop your tarot business. She states to "assess our skills, resources and limitations, and structure the business accordingly." She goes on to say, "If you are able to do this, you will create a successful business that fits perfectly into your life and is as unique as you are."

I followed every step in Fortune Stellar, using the cards and gratefully applying Christiana's suggestions. I wrote in my tarot journal what I envisioned for an online and in person tarot reading business, blog and website. I am excited to announce that Treasures of Tarot went live as treasuresoftarot.com on April 2.

I am still percolating my style, yet I am very excited about the possibilities. Through her books, blog, weekly newsletter, videos, coaching and nudging, Christiana has been instrumental in guiding me in the direction of fulfilling my goal to become a professional tarot card reader. Thank you, Christiana!

The tarot cards too will always be there for me when I need them. As I develop this new chapter in my tarot life I will be seeking the help of a special group of "friends" whom I call the "Crazy Eights"! As you know, this is the ideal team to work with as eights suggests karma, money, finance, and career as well as a fresh sense of direction, balance and stability.

Eight of Wands is keeping me motivated on this journey as I develop this aspect of my tarot studies and share it with my clients and fellow tarot enthusiasts. She reminds of my skills in writing and communication.

Eight of Pentacles is teaching me about getting into the details to make this website truly reflect my style. We get along very well because I am a detail person.

Eight of Cups is here to tell me, "It's okay!" when I need a break. She gives me a hug and says, come back to it tomorrow when you've had some time to rest and reflect.

Eight of Swords gets me unstuck by pointing out a new direction when I'm wasting energy, or getting distracted. He can be trusted for his honesty.

Strength, one of my best friends, is here to remind me that success will come with patience and persistence, in quietness and confidence.

Tower, is here to let me know that if things don't go my way, there's a lesson to be learned in that, too! Sometimes, I don't like him very much!

Stop on over and see what we're up to at treasureoftarot.com

*Visit Linda’s tarot website and blog at http://treasuresoftarot.com/
*Linda & Chris have been traveling and living in the Caribbean on their sailboat, Troubadour. Read about their journey at http://sailingtroubadour.blogspot.com



Linda Moore
I am a student of life, a tarot enthusiast and a professional tarot reader. I have been studying and reading tarot since 2010. I am living and traveling on my sailboat, Troubadour. My husband and I left our corporate careers early to live our dream of a simple life on the sea.

Three Tarot Cards to tell you the Future is Wide Open


Tarot Topics Weekly Newsletter 4/9/2014