Trick or Treat


Here's the scoop---Halloween is based on the Pagan holiday of Samhain. Although this is not tarot related, one of my very favorite tarot decks is the Halloween Tarot. So, I decided to post this little poem here.  Christiana, if this is not appropriate, please feel free to delete it. I promise not to knock on your door and play tricks on you on Halloween night!

Trick or Treat ©


Candy corn and gummy bats

Witches hats, and black cats.

Spooky goblins at your door,

Didn’t I see you here before?


Up the stairs to ring your bell,

The little one just tripped and fell.

Smiling, he’s back upon his feet

And  hollers out, “trick or treat!”


Drop the candy into his sack,

Tell the others to watch his back.

Protect him from dangers unseen,

But have fun on this Halloween!


Joanne Matthew


Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 10/16/2013


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