Tarot Topics
Christiana's Weekly Newsletter
March 5, 2014 
On a recent episode of Christiana’s Psychic Café, Mary Canane, LMHC, spoke about how we can heal emotionally by changing our stories.
I love this concept. I see it often in tarot readings. Sometimes when we tell stories of our past we cast ourselves in the role of the victim, rather than the survivor. Sometimes when we tell stories of our future we can’t imagine our own happy-ever-after. Sometimes we cast others as the villain in a way that keeps us, and others, from being proactive in our own lives.
The problem with the way we tell our stories is that we come to believe them as fact, rather than as perspective. Sometimes a shift in perspective is exactly what we need.
Our stories can empower and inspire us, or they can disempower and discourage us. It all depends on the way we tell them.
Change Your Story with Tarot
In this case, “changing your story” is not the same thing as making up a lie. Here, changing you story is about changing the way you view your life. It’s about reflecting truth instead of assumptions. It’s about giving yourself opportunities.
Here is a fun tarot exercise to help you do exactly that.
Think about your life in general, without putting any value judgment on it (my life is awful, my life is great, etc.).
Drawn six cards at random from the deck.
Look at the cards you drew, and spend some time reflecting on how each card applies to your life.
Now you have the power to create some change.
First, find one card from the six that you would like to delete from your life. It could be an energy that doesn’t serve you, something you don’t want to nurture in your life or something you need to put in the past.
Take that card, and return it to the deck.
Now look at the five remaining cards. Are there any whose energy you would like to change, or any that suggest a need to change your perspective? Turn those cards into reversals by simply turning the images upside-down. This can change the way their energies present in your life, or the way you perceive them.
Now look again at the cards that describe your life. Think about how they can help you find new perspectives and new ways to tell your story.
Arrange the cards in any order tells your story in the way that gives you the best perspective.
This exercises is helpful in three ways. First, of course, it is a great exercise for beginning tarot students to help them identify with the cards. Second, it will help us clearly understand the ways we need to change perspective and tell different stories. Third, on an energetic level, the powerful images of tarot will actually assist in making the changes that need to be made.
The Week in Review
I’m thrilled to announce that this week Benebell Wen featured me on her blog! Check out her article about my offerings for professional tarot readers!
Joanne Matthew has shared some really thoughtful posts on our Tarot Topics Community Blog. Read “The Closed (Tarot )Mind,” about the different ways we see the cards.
Joanne was inspired by our episode of Christiana’s Psychic Café featuring Beth Henry and Tarot Tidal. Read about her own tarot journey in “Finding Your Tarot Voice.”
This week on the Community Blog I added to my video series “Answers to you Questions about Tarot.” See what I had to say about Reversals and Court Cards.
On my personal blog, Tarot Trends, I shared “Three Truths about Teaching Tarot.”
From Around the Web
It’s the first week in March, so let’s see what the forecasts are!
Here are your tarotscopes for the month from Olivia at First Earth Tarot.
Jenna Matlin of Queen of Wands Tarot has done something new. Check out her March “Lenniescopes.”
Here’s Arwen’s March 2014 Tarotscopes podcast.
Try a New Perspective
There are many ways we can learn to change our stories, and replace them with stories that help and heal us. The bottom line is to take a moment to listen to what you say and what you think. Are your stories helpful? Are the really true? Are they framed from a positive perspective?
Generally, we assume our stories are fact, and our perspective is the only possible way to see things. When we really think about our stories, we realize how untrue some of them are, and how limiting our perspective can be.
Here are examples of the sorts of stories people tell about themselves that are often hurtful and untrue.
It’s impossible to make money as an artist.
All men act this way.
I don’t think I will ever find a decent partner.
People always lie to me.
I don’t make good decisions.
I will never be able to heal.
If something goes wrong it’s usually my fault.
I can never be successful because of what was done to me.
A job can’t be enjoyable.
Can you find ways to tell these sorts of stories that would be more helpful and true? What would be a more positive perspective?
What's Up at the Psychic Café?
This past Sunday, March 2nd, a power outage at the Para Encounters Network meant that a lot of people didn’t get to see our prerecorded show featuring Beth Henry and Tarot Tidal. Don’t worry, it is already available in archive, and will air on PEN on Sunday, April 6.
It is a fabulous show that highlights the things all tarotists have in common, as well as the ways in which we differ. One of the points of focus of this show is the explosion of great tarot videos on YouTube. Beth shares with us one of her best videos, featuring the accents, costumes and creativity that have made her videos so popular.
The coming week, March 9th, we will enjoy an encore presentation of our episode featuring Jesse Ann Nichols George. Jesse Ann is an author, healer and motivational speaker. Our conversation about compassion and judgment is insightful and inspiring.
For more information, visit the Show Info page, and be sure to like Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.
Learning Tarot: Ace of Wands
This week we begin our study of the Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits, much like a deck of playing cards. Each suit contains pips ace through ten, and a court of four characters.
Each suit is related to one of the four elements. We will begin our journey into the Minor Arcana with the suit of Wands. Wands is related to the element of Fire. Fire is the element of passion, excitement, creativity and spirituality.
In the Minor Arcana, all four Aces can relate to new beginnings, or finding the source or essence of the ace’s elemental energy.
The Ace of Wands is about new inspiration, a new creative project, a new passion or even a new anger.
The Ace of Wands is the essence of the Fire element, and may suggest the need to nurture passion, creativity and spirituality.
The Ace of Wands may ask the question “What burns within you?”
In a reading, the Ace of Wands may also predict a wonderful new surprise; something you are sure to be excited about!
The Ace of Wands may discuss a new business venture that is based on creativity, or one that is very dynamic.
When you see the Ace of Wands, be prepared get fired up!
Next week we will continue the suit of Wands as we explore card two.
Your One-Card Weekly Reading
Your one-card reading this week is the Page of Pentacles.
Often the tarot Pages represent young people and students. In this context the Page of Pentacles gives you a clear directive for the week.
The Page of Pentacles reminds you to communicate clearly about your practical needs and abilities.
This card suggests that you learn some new skills, especially work-related and practical skills.
This card also reminds you that you are never old as long as you are learning new things.
The Page of Pentacles asks you to work on feeling grounded and connected to the Earth. You need to feel safe, secure and supported here on planet Earth.
Trust that you will have the knowledge, skill and support to generate all the resources you need.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, March 5, 7 pm
Free Webinar
The Four Elements and the Major Arcana
The four elements of life are Earth, Air, Fire and Water. They each have metaphysical properties as well as physical properties.
The four elements correlate with the four suits of the Minor Arcana of the tarot. They also correlate with individual cards of the Major Arcana.
The term “Major Arcana” means “Greater Secrets.” The twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana contain the most spiritual messages and lessons of the tarot, and tell the story of our journey through life.
When we learn the elemental associations for each of the Major Arcana cards, we have a clear way to understand these important cards.
This 75 minute webinar will help the tarot student more fully understand the four elements. It will provide a deeper way to comprehend each of the Major Arcana cards. The student will be able to more fully interpret the Major Arcana cards, whether reading for yourself or others.
For Log-in information, visit the Event Listing on the Continuing Education Website.
Sunday, March 9, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café

We will enjoy an encore presentation of Christiana’s Psychic Café with the show from October 20, 2013 featuring Jesse Ann Nichols George.
Jesse is the author of several books, including “Activating Compassion.”
You’ll be fascinated with the conversation with Jesse Ann about compassion – what it is, and what it isn’t. She offer practical solutions and ways of healing with compassion.
For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.
Sunday March 16, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café
We’ll be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with an encore presentation of our St. Patrick’s Day show from 2013.
This show features a panel of people, including musicians, spiritual leaders and others discussing St. Patrick’s Day and sharing stories of the holiday.
For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.
Tuesday, March 18, 7 pm
Free Webinar
Global Tarot Circle
If you have an interest in tarot, please join us for an hour of tarot fun, fellowship, readings and study. You can attend on your computer, tablet or smartphone, or you can call in on the telephone.
For log-in info, visit the event listing on the Tarot Circle website.
Sunday, March 23, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café
A live panel of full-time metaphysical practitioners will discussion the ins and outs of giving services and products for free. When is it a good idea to donate our time, and when is it a mistake? How does it help us to give freely, and how does it hurt us?
Don’t miss this important conversation!
For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.
Tarot by Christiana Gaudet
Toll Free: 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Local: 561-655-1160 Email: christiana@tarotbychristiana.com Website: tarotbychristiana.com
Skype: tarot.radio
Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
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