Tarot Topics Newsletter 1/21/2015

The Moon

Many spiritual cultures observe the phases of the moon. The Jewish calendar is based on lunar phases. Some traditions of Yoga have special observances during certain moon times. In the mundane world, it’s believed that the full moon affects our moods and behaviors.

January 21, 2015 is the New Moon. In many cultures, the New Moon is a time to plant seeds. That is, to set your intentions for what you would like to see manifest in the coming month.

When the moon is full, we celebrate our bounty, and hold the vision for continued success.

When the moon is waning, we rid ourselves of the habits and thoughts that no longer serve us.

Many people believe the power of the moon is a constant ally in our journey through life.

What seeds will you plant this New Moon?

Two Moons: The Tarot Moon and the Lenormand Moon

It’s not surprising that the Moon gets a role in the two most prominent card divination systems, tarot and Lenormand. But how do we interpret these cards? Are there any similarities between the tarot Moon and the Lenormand Moon?

Let’s take a look.

In tarot, the moon is in the last third of the Major Arcana, making it a more spiritual card. 

There are several different traditions regarding the tarot Moon. For some, this card can appear as a warning of treachery, or hidden enemies.

For others, the Moon indicates illusion, lunacy and dangerous fantasies.

For many others, the Moon is about embracing your spiritual path, and solving some of the spiritual mysteries of life. The Moon encourages use of intuition, and psychic development.

The Moon can be associated with cycles, secrets, mysteries, dreams and nightmares.

One thing all these different interpretations for the Moon have in common is this. No matter how you look at it, things in the light of the moon look differently than they do in the daytime. Not everything we see is as it seems. When the Moon appears in a reading, we must look deeper, whether to solve a mystery, find a traitor, listen to our intuition or find our spiritual path.

The Lenormand system is much simpler than tarot. Each card has a correspondence to a playing card. As we consider the Lenormand key words for the Moon, we will see that a few of them are indeed similar to the tarot Moon, but a few are substantially different.

The Lenormand Moon is card 32, and associated with the Eight of Hearts, meaning small joys, sincerity, and satisfaction. These concepts are very different from the mystery of the tarot Moon!

Some key words for the Lenormand Moon include emotions, romance, arts, and intuition.  A very popular key word for this card is very different from the tarot Moon. That key word is fame. The Lenormand Moon can speak of fame, recognition and acknowledgement. This card can describe famous artists, and predict success at work.

The Lenormand system is much more literal than tarot. Since the Moon rules the night, the Lenormand Moon card can refer to things that happen at night, such as romance, and creative entertainment. Most artists perform in the evenings. Most lovemaking happens at night.

The moon is an important spiritual symbol, and an important archetype in both tarot and Lenormand.

The Week in Review

Changes to my website have continued this week. Look how my 78 Poems Project is coming along!

This week, on my Personal Blog, I shared some thoughts about what I call “Oddball Cards”.

On the Community Blog, I shared my latest fun tarot project, called “Poetry in Tarot.”

From Around the Web

Since this issue of Tarot Topics is all about the moon, here are some websites to help you learn more!

Just about everything you would want to know about the phases of the moon is available at Moon Connection.

Of course, the moon is important in astrology. Here is some great information about the moon from Café Astrology.

From About.com, here is a New Moon Manifestation Ceremony, and other resources for working with the moon in healing ceremony.

New Moon Tarot Spread

Here is a three-card tarot spread to try this week, or any time of the New Moon.

Card One: What seed am I planting?

Card Two: How shall I nurture it?

Card Three: What fruit will it bear?

You might find this spread will speak to you about goals you have already set. It might also make you aware of some unintentional energies you are setting in motion, or some new opportunities available to you.


What’s up on the Psychic Café?

This past week we featured a very early episode of the Psychic Café, which includes conversations with Marcy Currier and Lourdes Starshower.

Marcy is an artist, healer and tarotist. She’s working on a tarot deck that features adorable frogs, called “The Mystical Frog Tarot”.

Lourdes is a tantric healer and belly dancer. The interview includes some fabulous footage of Lourdes dancing with fire on a rooftop.

If you haven’t seen this show yet, make sure watch it on my YouTube channel, or on my website.

New to the YouTube archive, and featured this week, is my show from September 1, 2013 on PEN. This show features a conversation with Kim Wilborn of The Guardian Gateway. At the time, we were promoting a Tarot Telesummit. Recordings of that telesummit, along with material on many interesting topics, are just a few of the interesting products and services Kim offers.
The second half of the show is a discussion of the Major Arcana. This will be of specific interest to students of tarot.

You can watch the show on the Christiana’s Psychic Café Facebook page beginning Sunday night, or on my YouTube channel

Learning Tarot: Three of Pentacles

In tarot, the number Three suggests a success, that is, the fruit of a particular labor. In the Three of Pentacles, we see work being done successfully.

There is some disagreement amongst tarotists about the interpretation of the Three of Pentacles. Clearly, it is about work. Some see this card as the master craftsman. Others feel it is a card of apprenticeship.

Most agree that the Three of Pentacles speaks of recognition and accomplishment in a specific career or trade.

Since a key word for this card is work, or works, this card can appear to suggest that a particular plan or solution is a good one, because it will work.

Key words for the Three of Pentacles include work, works, craftsmanship, apprentice, professionalism, recognition, advancement, and promotion.

When you look at the Three of Pentacles, do you see a master, or an apprentice?

Next week we will learn an important lesson about resource management with the Four of Pentacles.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your one-card reading this week is the Fool! It’s time for an adventure, a new journey, or the beginning of something new.

It might be time to take a risk, or a leap of faith. You may need to make a decision about what comes next in your life.

The Fool also reminds us to be joyful, and to trust that the future will unfold as it should.

This week, honor your inner child. Make fun a priority, and be prepared to start a something new!

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, January 21, 7 pm (Tonight)
Free Webex Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
Global Tarot Circle

Spend an hour with tarot, and with friends. This month we will be discussing New Year predictions, readings and manifestation. Join us from your computer, tablet or smartphone, or call in!

Saturday, January 31, 10 am
Metaphysical Society Expo, Sun City Center

I will be a featured speaker at the Metaphysical Society Expo in Sun City Center. I will also be available to sign books throughout the day. The Expo runs from 10 am – 5 pm, and will be in the Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. Admission is free. For information, call Vicky at 813 398-7033

Sunday, February 1, 3:30 pm
Free Event
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup

Join us at Panera Bread, 23388 State Road 54, Lutz, for a focused-but-informal exploration of tarot. Everyone with an interest in tarot is welcome.

Monday, February 9, 7 pm
Free Webex Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
The Four Elements and the Major Arcana

The four elements of life are Earth, Air, Fire and Water. They each have metaphysical properties as well as physical properties.

The four elements correlate with the four suits of the Minor Arcana of the tarot. They also correlate with individual cards of the Major Arcana.

The term “Major Arcana” means “Greater Secrets.” The twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana contain the most spiritual messages and lessons of the tarot, and tell the story of our journey through life.

When we learn the elemental associations for each of the Major Arcana cards, we have a clear way to understand these important cards.

This 75 minute webinar will help the tarot student more fully understand the four elements. It will provide a deeper way to comprehend each of the Major Arcana cards. The student will be able to more fully interpret the Major Arcana cards, whether reading for self or others.

For more information and log in, visit the Event Listing.

About Christiana

Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office
are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot card  images from The Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti.
Used with permission.


Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


A Review of Art Through the Starstream Oracle


Poetry in Tarot: The High Priestess