Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

The Plan-Procrastinate Cycle
This week, a tarot reading taught me some things we all need to know. It's hard to get things done, and here is a reason why.

We All Feel Overwhelmed Right Now
Have you noticed that everyone seems totally overwhelmed at the moment?

The Power of Prediction
Everyone makes predictions, not just tarot readers! This week, we discuss the value of prognostication.

Golden Moments
This week, we discuss the special moments that bring us healing, inspiration, and joy.

People-Pleasing Isn’t Pleasant
Many of us are people-pleasers. This week we talk about what people-pleasing is, and how to heal.

Not Like the Other Kids
Feeling like we don't fit in is familiar and unpleasant. What does it mean, and what can we do? That's what we are talking about this week.

Finding the Flow
How does the Law of Attraction work?

Invoking Inspiration
How can you find your energy and your motivation easily? Invoke it!

Feeling It
It seems we are all dealing with a lot of feelings right now. But how do we manage our emotions and tune in to intuition? That is what we are exploring this week.

Finding the Way Forward
Sometimes, the way forward isn't clear, and that feels scary. Yet, the unknown holds amazing opportunity and promise.

Hopes and Fears
This week, we will examine our hopes and fears. Although their energies are essentially the same, they differ substantially.

Balance is a Verb
This week, we are focused on the importance of balance in our personal and professional lives. Balance is an important spiritual concept that only works when we actively practice it.

Doing the Work
We often talk about doing our work—that is, doing the work of personal healing. This week, we discuss what it means to dig deeply into and find transformative healing.

Gratitude and Guilt
Sometimes, we don't go for what we want because we feel guilty for wanting more. This week, we discuss how we can be grateful for what we have and still work for what we want.

Up for Interpretation
In a way, there is no such thing as direct communication because we are always interpreting what people say and do. Sometimes, we misinterpret, and that leads to problems. This week, we discuss communication, both mundane and magical.

Risk Management
Life is risky. How can we have faith in the future?

The Work of Having Fun
This week, we are discussing the spiritual value of fun and playfulness.

When Good Things Go Bad
What do we do when something good in our life changes, and it's not for the better?

Empty Bottles
Sometimes, we long for things that aren't good for us. Sometimes, we need to make space for new things to come in. This week, we discuss how we feel empty inside, what it means, and what to do.

This week, we discuss the importance of being confident in ourselves and the pitfalls of putting confidence where it does not belong.