Tarot Topics 9/3/2014: Many Paths

Tarot Topics
Christiana's Weekly Newsletter
September 3, 2014
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In This Issue
A Tarot Spread for Openness to New Paths

Many Paths
There are many ways to find healing, and many paths to enlightenment. Our planet is rich in variety.
We are lucky to live in a time when we can experience the colors, flavors and philosophies of many cultures, rather than only what is available in our own village.
Each of us has the opportunity to find the modalities and practices that resonate best. Each of us can find the teachers and the books, the classes and the experiences, that will help us most.
There is no limit to what we can learn and do, as long as we are open to the possibilities.
There are many teachers, and many paths on the journey through life. Be open to variety, and be willing to explore new ideas!
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Dream Your Direction!
If you are looking for a new path, or a new direction, you can find guidance in your dreams!
Before you go to sleep, ask for guidance. Be specific about the area of your life where you are seeking something new. Are you looking for a new career path, a new healing path, a new creative path, or a new spiritual path?
You can enhance your dreams by putting a bit of lavender oil on your pillow case. You can also use tarot to help, by placing the Two of Wands under your pillow, or under your bed, while you sleep.
The Two of Wands holds the energy of manifestation. As the “Lord of Dominion,” the card will help your Higher Self understand that you have many paths, and possibilities in front of you.
Before you go to sleep, visualize a weathervane spinning as you ask for guidance and direction.
When you awaken, write down everything you can remember from your dreams. Don’t think about it too much, just write it all down. Then you can look for themes, symbols and images that can give you the sense of direction you need to help you choose your path.
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The Week in Review
Just as I was getting ready for my trip to Connecticut, Amanda Lee posted a wonderful seasonal piece on our Tarot Topics Community Blog. If you didn’t get to see it last month, please make sure you check out her post.
This week, also on the Community Blog, I posted a piece about the way that tarot evolves.
On my Dark Forest blog, I gave some advice to my fellow solopreneurs. Don’t forget to give yourself a promotion!
On my personal blog, Tarot Trends, I posted a rant about stereotyping. Stereotypes exist for a reason, but promoting stereotypes often hurts more than it helps!
From Around the Web
Rather than sharing particular blog posts this week, I thought I would share some blogs from individuals I’ve discovered recently that I like in general. I hope you’ll like them, too!
Archaic Honey is about “finding magic and sweetness while living on the fringe.”
Nadine Tarot Reiki offers simple wisdom from a one-of-a-kind personality.
Willow Merrymoon has some great tarot poetry, quizzes, podcasts and other fun stuff.
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A Tarot Spread for Openness to New Paths
Sometimes we get stuck in a rut. We aren’t happy with the same old thing, but we are not comfortable trying something new. It is this unwillingness to push out of our comfort zone that keeps us stuck.
Use this tarot spread to help you open to new paths when you need them. Use it when you are considering a new path, or when you are feeling stuck and unsure of what to do next.
Card one: What new paths are available to me?
Card two: What will I have to give up to take a new path?
Card three: What is the source of my resistance to a new path?
Card four: What do I need to do to begin my new path?
Card five: Where will this new path take me?
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What’s Up at the Psychic Café?
On Sunday, August 31, we celebrated the tarot Fool with our “Night of 1000 Fools.” I asked tarot artists, writers and readers to talk about the tarot Fool, possible interpretations for the Fool, and the lessons they learned from the Fool.
On Sunday, September 7th, we’ll continue conversing with tarot artists when we enjoy an encore presentation of my interview with Jordan Hoggard of “Tarot from the Land of Mystereun.”
Christiana’s Psychic Café is my weekly webcast. It airs on the Para Encounters Network, each Sunday at 9 pm Eastern.
Archived webcasts available on my YouTube channel.
You can also see the archives cataloged on the Tarot Topics News Site.
For up-to-date information about Christiana’s Psychic Café, visit our Show Info page and like us on Facebook!
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Learning Tarot: Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups will often represent an adult woman in a tarot reading. The Queen of Cups describes someone who is kind, emotional, dreamy, poetic, sensitive, romantic and loving. She may also be intuitive and empathic.
The Queen of Cups may also appear to instruct you to nurture your emotions, or to pay attention to the emotions of others.
This card may predict a female love interest, or may indicate a woman’s romantic feelings for someone special.
The Queen of Cups may encourage you to behave in a kind and loving way, even if you are feeling differently.
Sometimes, the Queen of Cups is a message of love from a female friend or family member in spirit.
The Queen of Cups could instruct you to develop your intuition, and be aware of your sensitivities. Sometimes this card will indicate a person who is highly sensitive on many levels.
Next week, we will complete our journey through the suit of Cups when we meet the King!
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Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your one-card reading this week is the Four of Pentacles.
This week, pay attention to your finances. Now is the time to spend money wisely, and to save money if you can.
You also need to pay attention to the way you take care of yourself.
Are you exercising? Are you eating well? Are you nurturing yourself?
Sometimes, the Four of Pentacles can talk about selfishness.
Is there someone around you who is acting in a selfish way? Are you acting selfishly at this time?
The Four of Pentacles tells you that it is time to examine your resources and your attitudes about resources.
This week, focus on finding a balance between taking care of yourself, and taking care of others.
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Upcoming Events
Sunday, September 7, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café
We’ll revisit a conversation with tarotist and artist Jordan Hoggard. Jordan is the designer of “tarot from the Land of Mystereum.”
Monday, September 8, 7 pm
Free Webinar
The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana
Please join us for a 75-minute-long webinar about the Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) and the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.
This class will cover the powers and properties of the four elements, and how they relate to the four suits in tarot.
You will learn ways of interpreting the pip cards and the court cards based on their elemental association. You will learn ways of designing and performing tarot spreads based on the four elements.
This class is appropriate for beginners, and readers of all levels.
For log in info, and to download the class material, visit the event listing on the Continuing Education Website.
Sunday, September 14, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café
We’ll have a brand new episode of the Psychic Café, with a special twist. Mary Ellen Collins will be interviewing me! You’ll be surprised by the things she gets me to talk about!
Monday, September 15, 7 pm
Free Webinar
Global Tarot Circle
Spend an hour with tarot friends from around the world. In this free, interactive on-line experience you can ask questions, share readings and learn more about tarot.
You can participate from your computer, tablet or smartphone, or you can call in!
For log-in info, visit the event listing on the Tarot Circle website.
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Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Call 813-948-4488 or toll free 866-99TAROT, or text 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
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Phone or Text: 561-655-1160
Tampa Phone: 813-948-4488
Skype: tarot.radio