Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 9/4/2013



Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

          September 4, 2013      




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Life should always be an adventure! Sometimes harrowing, sometimes fun, life is full of surprises. The more we can enjoy what comes with a sense of wonder, the happier we are.


Many tools are available to help us navigate our adventures. Tarot, astrology, meditation and our own intuition often provide the roadmaps we need.


Sometimes we have clues of what will come next in life. Sometimes we can’t be sure of what will meet us around the bend. The more we have faith in ourselves and faith in our purpose, the more ready we are to make the most of our journey.







Finding the Spiritual Messages in Tarot


Whether you are a beginning tarot student, a seasoned professional or somewhere in-between, it is always good to revisit your understanding of what each card means to you.


Here is an exercise to get you thinking about the fact that each tarot card has more than one meaning, and each tarot card can speak to us about mundane things and spiritual things.


Pick three cards at random from your deck.


Look at each card and write answers to these questions.


1.       What sort of mundane situation might this card reference?


2.       What sort of spiritual message or advice could you derive from this card?


When you have finished all three cards consider the things you have written down, and take them as messages and insight for yourself.


When we study tarot we have the benefit of learning about the cards and receiving their wisdom at the same time.






The Week in Review


On our Tarot Topics Community Blog Joanne Matthew shared a lovely post about the coming fall. I know you will enjoy Changing Seasons.


Amanda Lee shared a wise post about life and attitudes. You will find a lot of truth in Negatives and Positives.


Also on the Community Blog I shared a piece about the way I connect the tarot aces with the chakras.


On the Dark Forest I wrote a post about dating. Sometimes women seem to be attracted to difficult men. Here’s a reason it happens and what you can do about it.


On my personal blog, Tarot Trends I wrote a post about sacred texts, patience and love. Read Love is Patience.


On my 78 Magickal Tools Blog on PaganSquare I shared a post about Tarot Magick for Travel



From Around the Web


Check out Arwen’s Tarotscopes for the month of September, and remember that Arwen will be my guest on the Psychic Café this Sunday!


On James Wells’ blog, Circle Ways, read about a reading James did for his new home.


Andrew MacGregor wrote a post on his blog, The Hermit’s Lamp, that I particularly liked. Read Good Character Makes for Great Tarot Readings.






The Fool's Journey


Eden Gray coined the term “Fool’s Journey” in the early 1970s to describe the spiritual path of tarot. This concept has become accepted as basic tarot wisdom.


The idea is that the Fool represents each one of us on our journey through life. The other cards represent the experiences, lessons, themes and characters he, and we, meet along the way.


Most tarotists have their own thoughts of what the Fool learns with each card he encounters. Many tarot books will take you on that journey from the perspective of the particular author.


How do you see the Fool’s Journey?  Look at the Major Arcana in order, and think about the progression as the Fool travels from card to card. Do the same thing for each of the suits in the Minor Arcana.


How does each lesson lead to the next?


Think about these lessons as they pertain to your life. Where are you on your Fool’s Journey?







What’s up at the Psychic Café?


On Sunday, September 1, I welcomed Kim Wilborn to the Psychic Cafe. We discussed her work with guardian spirits and her upcoming Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit.


For Kim, guardian spirits can include faeries, unicorns, deities and tarot energies. Her work is unique, fascinating and surprisingly grounded, given the subject.


In the second half of the show I presented my perspective of the Fool's Journey through the Major Arcana.


You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics news site.


This Sunday, September 8, I am excited to interview Stephanie Arwen Lynch. Arwen is a well-known tarotist and writer. She is also president of the American Tarot Association.


Arwen is known for her sense of humor, her ability to seek and find joy, and her no-holds-barred attitude.  This is one show you won’t want to miss!


For more information, visit the Show Info page, and don’t forget to like us on Facebook!





The Spiritual Path of Tarot


“The Spiritual Path of Tarot” is the name of a telesummit that will run from September 16 through October 1. I am happy that I am participating in this telesummit; I will be presenting Major Arcana 18, the Moon. Kim Wilborn, the telesummit’s organizer, has chosen a well-known tarotist to present each of the twenty-two Major Arcana cards.


Tarot has often been called a “path” or a “journey.” That is because tarot is more than a divination tool. When we study tarot we embrace each card as a lesson along life’s path. When we perform a reading we contemplate the reasons particular lessons present themselves.


If you are interested in attending the telesummit, simply visit the webpage and register.


In addition to the telesummit, there are many ways to deepen your understanding of the spiritual nature of tarot. Take a class, visit a webpage, attend a webinar, or watch a video. Never before have there been so many easily available opportunities to embrace tarot as the spiritual tool it is.




Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading this week is the Lovers.


In many modern decks the couple is pictured in an embrace, and the meaning of the card seems obvious.


In more traditional decks, the man is looking at the woman while the woman is looking at the angel – no passionate embrace here.


Traditionally, the Lovers does not necessarily predict a relationship, nor does it suggest the nature of a specific relationship.


The Lovers advises that we make wise decisions and that we focus on clear communication. The Lovers reminds us that there are differences between us. If we want to create a relationship we will have to work to integrate one energy with another energy.


Integration, decisions, communication and honoring the differences between one thing and another thing – these are the traditional attributes of Major Arcana Six, the Lovers.


These attributes offer wise counsel to us all as we contemplate our own love relationships.





Upcoming Events


Sunday, September 8, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


I am excited to announce that my guest will be Stephanie Arwen Lynch! Arwen is a well-known tarotist, writer and humorist. She is also president of the American Tarot Association.


Arwen and I were guests together on Aphrododite’s Kitchen this past summer. During that show we discovered we had a lot in common even beyond the tarot.


This is sure to be a once-in-a-lifetime conversation with no topic off-limits! Don’t miss it!


Visit our show page for more information.



Monday, September 9, 7 pm

Free Webinar

Psychic Hour with Christiana


Join us for an hour of free psychic readings with Christiana Gaudet, Tarot Grandmaster and author.


In the on-line meeting room, Christiana will give short readings to all attendees, as time permits. 


You will enjoying being part of the energy, hearing Christiana's readings and receiving an insightful reading for yourself.


For log-in information, visit the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.



Thursday, September 12, 7 pm

Free Webinar

Global Tarot Circle


Tarot enthusiasts of all levels of experience, from beginner to professional, are invited to join this webinar to share readings, information and tarot study.


If you have questions about your life, questions about tarot or questions about tarot reading, Tarot Circle is the place for answers!


Log in on your computer, smartphone or tablet, or call in by phone. Log-in information is on the event listing of the Tarot Circle website.



Sunday, September 15, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


I am excited to welcome Shaunna Peterson back to the Psychic Café.


Shaunna is a tarot reader and an interpreter for the deaf. Her insights on reading tarot in American Sign Language offer us a new perspective about tarot, symbols, language and communication. 


Visit our Show Page for more information.



Sunday, September 16 – Tuesday, October 1

The Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit


Register now to participate in this exciting free telesummit.


You will learn about the practical and spiritual nature of the twenty-two Major Arcana cards from some of the best known and loved tarotists worldwide today.


I am excited to be presenting the Moon card on September 27.


For more information and registration visit the telesummit website.







Tarot by Christiana Gaudet






866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Skype: tarot.radio


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment. 






Tarot parties and private readings at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call for more information or to schedule your event.




Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


The One who got Away


Kim Wilborn and the Major Arcana on the Psychic Cafe