Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 10/9/2013



Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

          October 9, 2013      




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“Wonder” is a great word and a great energy. It is a word that can ask a question and indicate curiosity. We also use the word “wonder” to describe an overwhelming sense of appreciation and awe. A wonder can be something unusual or inspirational.


Often we associate wonder with childhood. Perhaps as we get older we lose our curiosity.  Perhaps over time we forget that each day life is awe-inspiring.


How would our adult existence be different if we approached life with a desire for discovery? How would every day be different if we could really appreciate nature, science and art with the joy of a child? I wonder what would happen if we made an effort to bring more wonder into our lives.







Wonderful Tarot


One of the things I love about tarot is that no matter how long I have been working with tarot I still have a daily sense of awe and wonder about it. I’ve been working with tarot for more than twenty years now.


Tarot is a source of wonder not just for me, but for many. Every new tarot student has a special moment where they are simply in awe of the way the card speak to them. How is it possible that exactly the right card comes up in divination at exactly the right moment? No one knows how this happens, but we all know that it does.


That first moment of tarot wonder is amazing, but moments of tarot wonder keep coming. When we find a new tarot deck or a new tarot friend, or when we understand a card at a deeper level than before we have the same feeling of wonder and we fall in love with tarot all over again.


When we do a reading and the cards come up in an improbable and amazing way that fits perfectly and offers true insight we are just as amazed at the power of tarot as we were at the beginning.


After working with tarot for a while we discover that we are stronger, better, smarter and healthier than we were before. That’s wonderful, too.


There are plenty of opportunities to bring tarot wonder into your life. There are some great tarot groups on Facebook and many ways to study tarot online and in person. There are great tarot books, blogs, and YouTube videos as well.


Make sure you check out my new YouTube Channel and my books Fortune Stellar and Tarot Tour Guide.  Read the Upcoming Events section of this newsletter to check out my tarot webinars.


I hope that tarot will be a wonderful tool in your life, just as it is in mine.






The Week in Review


Joanne Matthew has been very creative this week on the Tarot Topics Community Blog. Enjoy her two Halloween-themed tarot spreads, the Samhain Spirit Spread and the Halloween Candy Corn Spread. Joanne has great graphic skills, great imagination and a wonderful grasp of tarot.


She also shared some musings about a recent Attune Radio show featuring Chanah Liora. Enjoy Rambling Thoughts of Trees.


My contribution to the Community Blog this week is a short piece about Creating Change with the Four Elements.


Both Joanne and I were featured in the recent edition of Attune Magazine. Check out my article on Cord Magick. Joanne created the cover art – it’s a picture of her black cat! She also contributed an article. Attune is chock full of great writers and interesting articles, so enjoy!


My blog on PaganSquare, 78 Magickal Tools, is all about using tarot for magick. This week I posted some Tarot Magick Basics.


On my Dark Forest blog I wrote about something I have been thinking about for a while. It’s a post about Mean People and what to do about them.


Along the same theme, on my personal blog I wrote about tarot and compassion. Read Twelve Tarot Cards that Teach Compassion.


From Around the Web


On Behind the Hustle I really enjoyed Ten Choices you will Regret in Ten Years. It’s targeted to younger people. I’m happy to say in retrospect I didn’t make a lot of these mistakes. I hope my kids don’t, either.


On Oprah.com there is a really good article about the Science of Intuition!  I know some metaphysical practitioners who fear becoming mainstream. I’m not one of them. I’m thrilled that a big name like Oprah can venture into spirituality. When she does, thousands of people are benefitted – people who might not otherwise have been exposed to healing spiritual thought.


Linda Ursin published a podcast featuring an interview with Gary Karp. Gary has been on Christiana’s Psychic Café a few times and is simply a joy. I know you’ll enjoy Linda’s interview with him.


Do you keep a blog, or have you found a great post on the web that you think I should share?  Email me a link!





Readings of Wonder


You can use the word “wonder” to help you create dialogue with your tarot cards. Simply phrase the question and pull a few cards to answer the question. Blend the cards together or read them as a sentence to get your answer.


The skill of pulling a few cards requires more intuition than it does thought. You can pull only one card and see if that gives a complete answer. If it does, you can go on to the next question, or be finished with your tarot session. If it doesn’t you can pull more cards to clarify.


Some people prefer to always pull three cards at a time in a dialogue. Other will let their intuition guide them, sometimes pulling two, three, four or more cards depending on what they feel.


Another technique advises pulling cards until you get a Major Arcana card. Interpret all the cards in the sequence you pulled them, including the Major Arcana card as the final comment.


A tarot dialogue is different than a formal tarot spread. Both are wonderful techniques to help you derive information with tarot.


In a dialogue you can let the answer to one question help you form another question. You may ask as many questions as you like. If you shuffle the cards back into the deck after each question you will have the opportunity to have the same card come up more than once. This can point the way to a key theme or a clear message of importance.


Here are some ideas for dialogue questions using the word “wonder.”


I wonder what the Universe wants me to know right now?


I wonder how my mother in spirit is doing?


What wonderful things are likely to happen in my life soon?


I wonder what the impact of this will be?


What can I do to increase my sense of wonder in life?


What can I do to make my life more wonderful?


I wonder where my job will take me?


I wonder what my spirit guides are telling me?


I wonder what my unusual dream was trying to tell me?


Can you think of some wonder-ful questions for tarot?







What’s up at the Psychic Café?


When I started my weekly webcast, Christiana’s Psychic Café, I wanted the webcast to inspire people, to showcase creativity and spirituality and to help bring people together as a community. I wanted people to come to the Café and make friends, share ideas, have fun and learn new things. That’s a lot to expect for a weekly hour-long webcast, but that’s what I wanted.


During our October 6th show it became clear to me that exactly what I wanted to happen is happening. People in the chat room during the show are meeting each other and friending each other on Facebook. Christiana’s Psychic Café has become a place where people share their ideas and creativity with each other.


My guest of October 6th was Theresa Pridemore, the young artist of The Portland Tarot.  The Portland Tarot is in the final few days of a crowd-funding campaign to create a second printing.  During the show people were going to the funding site and making donations!


The Portland Tarot is an interesting deck. The artwork is unusual, that is, different from other tarot decks. Each card is very well thought-out and meaningful. Each card expresses the unique energy of the city of Portland.


Theresa Pridemore was a delightful guest, willing to share her experiences with art, spirituality and tarot.


You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics news site.


On October 13th I am excited to welcome Jim Cummins to the Psychic Café. Jim has been an astrologer for more than forty years. He is the president of the Astrology Association of St. Petersburg as well as an accomplished musician.


Jim will share some of his theories of astrology and will apply those theories to world events. Don’t we all want to know what is going on right now on the planet? Jim will use astrology to help us understand exactly that.


For more information visit the Show Info page and don’t forget to like us on Facebook!




Learning Tarot


The Magician


The Magician, Card 1, is the first numbered card of the Major Arcana. It is here the Fool begins his journey.


The Fool is usually seen carrying a pouch. We believe that in the pouch the Fool is carrying the Four Tools of Magic. That is, the Sword, the Cup, the Wand and the Pentacle. These are the symbols of the Four Elements, and become the suit icons of the Minor Arcana. These four tools are now on the Magician’s table.


The Fool begins his journey with the Magician by putting his tools on the table and learning to use them. In the Magician card we see a focus and a determination to learn.


One of the Magician’s arms points to heaven, the other to Earth. This is symbolic of the Hermetic principle “as above, so below.” In the Lord’s Prayer we say “On Earth as it is in heaven.”


With his arms in this position we also see the Magician’s ability to channel power from heaven to Earth and back again. The infinity sign (leminscate) above the Magician’s head tells us that this power is limitless.


Often we associate words such as “tools,” “skills” and “abilities” with the Magician. But we can’t forget that he is, indeed, a Magician. Magicians have the ability to trick us into believing something that is not true. In some cases the Magician can indicate a trickster. Many times the Magician indicates a student. Students tend to have a unique combination of an actual desire to learn and a desire to get away with things.


As Card 1 we see the Magician as an initiate. He, like the Fool, is beginning his journey. He, like the Fool, is learning about his environment.


The Magician is the first stop on the Fool’s Journey. The Magician teaches us to take an inventory of our tools, skills and abilities. The Magician reminds us of our spiritual abilities as well as our practical abilities. The Magician advises us to use our power, but warns us against trickery.


When you see the Magician in a reading it may be time to think about education in either a formal or informal way. It may be time to find your power and discover your tools. It may be time to begin a structured new journey toward achieving specific goals. You may need to be careful about easy solutions that don’t turn out to be as easy as they seem.


Next week we will learn about a different kind of learning when we meet Major Arcana 2, The High Priestess.





Beyond the Veil Psychic Gallery


I am excited to announce I will be doing a special psychic gallery at Pearl Rauberts’ in Loxahatchee on Saturday, October 26th at 2:30.


As we move closer to October 31 the veil that separates the world of the living and the spirit world is at its thinnest. This is the origin of our secular holiday of Halloween. We will use this energy to help us connect with the spirit world and receive their guidance.


In a psychic gallery I am able to tap in to the energy of each person in the room. I offer a personal reading to each person that may include communication from loved ones in spirit and spirit guides as well as practical information about work, love and life.


When we experience this process as a group we are able to support each other and learn from each other’s experiences.


The sacred space provided by Pearl Rauberts is a special environment in which receive healing and guidance. To do a psychic gallery at this special time of year allows us the greatest access to spiritual wisdom possible.


The fee to attend this event is $20. Seats are limited. 

You can find more information on the Event Listing of the Celebrate Spiritual Growth Website.


Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of this special event!




Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your One-Card reading for the week is the World.


Traditionally, the World is the card of attainment and completion. It suggests that projects you have been working on will be successfully finished. It suggests that goals will be attained.


The World may ask you “Where in the world do you want to be?” or “What in the world do you want?”


The World card reminds us of our power to be the masters of our own world. We have come to a place of achievement and can use our power to create a more perfect world.


In modern tarot the World has become a card of environmentalism and concern for the planet.


The World may predict an opportunity for travel. The World may remind us to take a larger perspective and a more global view. Think big!





Upcoming Events


Thursday, October 10, 10 pm

Inner State Highway with Jordan Hoggard


Jordan Hoggard has joined the family at the Para Encounters Network!


His first show will be October 10th and I will be his first guest. Jordan was a very popular guest on Christiana’s Psychic Café a few weeks ago. 


Tune in to the Para Encounters Network and enjoy Jordan’s first webcast.


For more information visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.




Sunday, October 13, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Jim Cummins, internationally known pianist and astrologer and founder and president of the Astrological Association of Saint Petersburg, will be joining us to discuss just what’s going on with the planet from an astrological perspective.


Visit the Show Info page for more information.



Tuesday, October 15, 7 pm

Free Webinar

Global Tarot Circle


Spend an hour with tarot! If you are interested in tarot please join us for readings, discussions of the cards, fun and fellowship!


Together we share our insights into tarot interpretations, tarot uses and tarot readings.


For more information and to log in visit the event listing on the Tarot Circle webpage. 



Sunday, October 20, 9 pm

Christiana Psychic Café


My guest will be Jesse Ann Nichols George.


Jesse is the author of four books founded on the principles of compassion. Jesse is an Integrated Development Specialist with over thirty years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes.  She is a spiritual healer, energy tuner, and a holistic and natural lifestyle advisor.  She is also a Druidic practitioner.


Join us for what is sure to be an interesting and enlightening conversation.


For more information visit the Show Info Page.



Saturday, October 26, 2:30

Beyond the Veil Psychic Gallery

Pearl Rauberts, Loxahatchee


Join psychic Christiana Gaudet in Pearl Rauberts’ sacred space in Loxahatchee, FL for an afternoon of insight, spirituality and enlightenment.


The end of October is a very special time when the veil that separates the physical world from the spirit world is at its thinnest. This is the origin of the secular holiday of Halloween.


On Saturday, October 26th Christiana will use this special and sacred energy to offer deeply personal readings to each person in the gallery. Messages from Spirit, opportunities for healing and directives to manifest your best future are only some of what you can expect at this special event.


People who have attended Christiana’s galleries in the past are amazed by her accuracy, her wisdom, compassion and humor. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with Spirit and to hear the guidance that you need most.


For more information visit the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.







Tarot by Christiana Gaudet






866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Skype: tarot.radio


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment. 



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Tarot parties and private readings at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call for more information or to schedule your event.




Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Major Arcana Haunted House


Surviving Mercury Retrograde